Permco TJ, situated in Tianjin Free Trade Zone, Tianjin, China since 1998, is a subsidiary created by Guyan International to serve the Chinese OEM market. Permco TJ produces high-pressure gear pumps and related accessories according to Permco US’s patents and manufacturing standards. These products are widely used on loaders, vibratile road rollers, bulldozers, automobile cranes, dump trucks, and waste disposal equipment. With customers throughout China, Asia, and Africa, Permco TJ also serves all the major Chinese construction OEMs.
Permco TJ is the home of Permco’s China R&D Center, and its top-quality engineering team leads the company’s progress in developing and producing new technology products that can meet diverse requirements of China and the global market. Permco TJ’s advanced technology, reliable quality, reasonable prices, and sincere customer service have driven the company’s growth and success.